Pocono HOD Connect
Here are some friends and fellow ministries who connect with us, check out their pages too!
The Father's House Christian Fellowship
The Father’s House Christian Fellowship is a family of believers with one heart, one mind, one voice and one vision of Touching Lives with God’s Glory while pursuing the Lord for revival in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. Our family of believers and ministry team believe that every person is an important part of God’s plan and is called to function as part of the church. We are therefore devoted to providing a “come as you are” environment where all people are accepted as they are. Whether you prefer formal dress, casual dress, or jeans and sneakers, The Father’s House is a place for all to come, worship, receive from God and get equipped to minister within the congregation and to the world.

Rob Rodasti's Ministries
Rob Radosti is an apostolic evangelist who has seen the power of Jesus transform lives in over 30 nations around the globe. He is known for his radical testimony and is the author of “And He Unleashed Me to the World". After a powerful deliverance from satan worship & the occult, drugs, alcoholism, suicide and more, Rob began to travel the nations declaring the good news of salvation. Rob met his wife Millie as she was experiencing a supernatural encounter with Jesus while living in a mental health facility, an encounter that would free her from years of abuse, mental illness, suicide, drugs & more. They were married and together began preaching the Gospel everywhere. Rob and Millie's vision is to teach the nations to dwell in the Kingdom by preaching the undiluted gospel of grace with signs and wonders. Rob & Millie Radosti have four children and are the founders of Kingdom Dwellers Intl based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Lance and Annabelle Wallnau
Lance started a global conversation years ago about 7 Mountains that shape culture, challenging people to find their mountain and take it! Since then he has helped numerous people launch their celebrity status, get published, start their new business, increase and even double their profits, run for office, invade their campus and even find their ideal life mate. Lance teaches people how to live their "extreme dream!" How about you?